51 World Financial Group Meeting

                                One has infiltrated the World Financial Group meeting for the sole purpose of shutting it down.

                The leader is a liar.  She exaggerates.  She said that a guy owned the whole building.  He does not own the whole building, he just rents it out.  Owning and renting out is a big difference.  So the first impression is that of dishonesty.  She told one’s mother that this annuity was not taxed, but in fact it was taxed.  In her defense, one does not think she even knew that the annuity was taxed.  She does not get marked for dishonesty here, but for ignorance.  She is off to a rough start.

                The nice hair guy might be a good person.  People fall under two categories here: 1. they know they are lying but lie to you.  2.  They actually believe the bullshit they are spewing, thus making them uninformed.  One believes that the nice hair guy believes what he is saying.  He believes in the product and he believes he is helping people.  Ignorance is bliss and he gets a pass here.  One can tell he is honest by the questions he asks.  If he knew about the product, he would not ask about it.  His lack of knowledge proves his innocence.  If he knew all about the product, he would not ask about the question.

                The speaker was the most informed person in the room, but that also makes him the biggest bullshitter.  He knew everything about the company and product; he was probably the only one.  Whenever you asked him a question, he answered it honestly.  But sometimes when you do not tell someone something, it is kind of lying by omission.  During the introduction, he was only supposed to give his name, but he went into his life story.  And he would have kept on talking if the nice hair guy did not interrupt him and stop him.  Maybe the speaker is crazy or something.  A couple observations about the speaker: 1. He used a fucking cordless mouse as his ppt clicker.  After that, one went out and spent thirty dollars on an actual ppt clicker so one would never look like a piece of shit like that.  2.  He presented a ppt that had information from 2009.  What the fuck?  If one wants to succeed in business, one has to have updated information.  Ten fucking years ago, one has to assume any and all information presented was obsolete and useless.  He is either lazy or a scam artist.  But if he was a scam artist, he would have updated the data with recent year’s fake data.  This guy was off to a bad start. 

                The speaker’s sales pitch was too good to be true.  Maybe he was telling the truth, but if that was the case, he was omitting some very important information.  The things I grasped from the ppt: 1. it is easier to get an insurance claim than other insurance companies.  There is a scale of zero to three of incapacitation (zero being need no help, three being total paralysis).  One needs a level one to get an insurance claim (one is needs arm assistance).  One’s condition does not need to be permanent; it can be temporary to get a claim.  There must be some kind of fine print there.  One believes that getting an insurance claim must be very difficult or else insurance companies would be passing out money like candy.  2.  No lose annuity: he explained some annuities where it only gained, and never lose.  Any investment that is a hundred percent win regardless, always seems sketchy. 

                One’s grandmother was bed-ridden for around fifteen years.  One understands that humor is important in making a ppt presentation flow.  But making jokes about old useless people is somewhat in poor taste.  After some of those jokes, one wanted to say out loud that one’s grandmother was bed-ridden for fifteen years.  One wonders how he would do in a cancer ppt.

                My mother is still fucking brainwashed, maybe even more.  In this ppt, my mother found out that the annuity was indeed taxed, when she believed it to be untaxed.  But she also learned, one can buy annuities with cash.  When she heard this, she asked the boss with eagerness, like she was going to shell out another three hundred thousand cash for another investment.  The boss’s eyes lit up and answerer her, like she was going to swallow my mother whole with one gulp.  My mom is in way too deep, and it is up to me to pull her out of this shit.     

                Overall, one believes he has more than enough evidence to at least present a solid ppt to present to one’s mother.  But one believes she is too far gone and will not listen.  But all one can do is try.

                Currently one is You Tubing pyramid schemes.  One will be quite informed about all of this when this is all done.